Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

April was finally able to sleep in a real bed last night. When she arrived at the hospital today she looked refreshed and well rested. She was able to stay most of the day in the NICU today without getting too tired. I am worried though, that she will over do it and wear herself down.

Mine and Kylee's sleepover went so well we are doing it again tonight. It wasn't too bad. Other the couch was really hard and I had to roll out of it this morning to be able to stand up. The nice thing about the new NICU is that they have a family room, Zaine's Room, that has a shower in it for parents. My mom, the greatest, brought me some clean clothes and breakfast so I was able to shave and shower. I guess I was getting a little woolly. The Unit Clerk made a commit about, "If I wanted to shave...". They provide you with linens so that is nice.

Kylee passed the hearing test, and got a bath and clean clothes and bedding. She is so cute. Of course, you all are probably getting tired of reading that. She took all of her bottles today except the 5am feeding which the nurse had to use the tube. She has lost a little more weight but nothing to be alarmed about according to the nurse.

Papaw Will brought April down this morning and visited for a while. Meemaw Teresa came around the noon feeding and stayed for a short visit. Aunt Sara was able to leave work early and decided to spend the evening with us here in the NICU. Grammy Pam and Nanny Eadris came while April did the evening feeding while Sara and I let them visit. We went for a walk, I needed to stretch and she went with me to get some things out of the truck.

April and I went for a romantic dinner, just the two of us, at Chick-fil-a. Pam met us back at the hospital to take April home while I came back up to the NICU to settle in for the night. It is worth mentioning that the entire staff that we have dealt with while on the NICU and when April was on Mother/Baby Unit B have been wonderful. It is not often that you find professionals that will call in on their days off to check on patients. That means a lot. It gives us as patients a little piece of mind that people do care and want to help out.

1 comment:

  1. Mike
    The pictures are beautiful. I can the resemblance of Ayden in Kylee. The Zaine Room is named after Andy and Paige's baby that died. That is a really nice room. I was there when it was dedicated to Zaine and his family. You all are on my prayer list. Let me know if you all need anything.
