Monday, June 8, 2009

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Last night went well. Kylee slept well and is eating very well. Ayden stayed the night with Grammy so she could go to Sunday school today. She will probably spend most of the day with them. It gives April and I a little break.

Debbie and Pam stopped in around 12:30. They came in to stay with Nanny while she went home after having her second knee operation. They stayed for a while and visited with us. They held Kylee. They agreed with me, we didn't remember Ayden being that small. Although, she was. I fixed April cinnamon and cranberry pancakes. They were actually pretty good. Low in sodium too. We didn't do much today.

Sara came by for the first time today since she has had to work everyday since we have been home. She stopped at the store for us and picked Ayden up some milk. She also was nice enough to pick us up a bag of ice. Man, do we go through a lot of that. It was nice to visit with her. She mentioned it is a mere 59 days until Zac will be home from Afghanistan. That will be nice.

Will and Pam came over and brought Ayden home in the afternoon. She came straight in and had to check on her baby. She immediately had to hold her. She hugged and kissed her and told her how much she had missed her. They stayed and visited for a while. Ayden said, babies sleep a lot, "I think I will call her sleepy head". She comes up with some of the funniest things. I don't know where she gets it.

Mom and dad came by with pizza. Matthew came over too. Ayden was glad to see them and started to give them a hard time. She told them she was all out of hugs and kisses. She eventually stopped harassing them and gave them all plenty of loving. April was holding Kylee, and each time she held her close to Ayden she would "kiss" her cheek. Ayden would giggle and laugh each time. It was really funny.

Ayden helped April feed Kylee before we put them both to bed for the night. Ayden really knows how to work me. We were going to let her fall asleep in our bed and then I would carry her to hers. She drank some juice and then wanted some water while she was watching cartoons. I told her I would get it in a little while for her. I thought she would forget about it and go on to sleep. Boy was I wrong. She rolled over to me, wrapped both arms around me, blinked her big blue eyes, kissed me, and whispered, "Daddy, I love you. I want some water". What could I do, other than get up and go get her some water.

It sure is going to be a fun, expensive, and tiring, experience having two darling daughters! Did I mention fun? But hey, I can handle it, I'm Super Dad...Right?

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