Thursday, July 30, 2009

Romantic ER Getaway for Two

April had a kidney biopsy scheduled for 11:00 Wednesday at St. Mary's. Early Wednesday morning around 2:20 am she got really sick. Vomiting and diarrhea. This lasted until and during our ride to her appointment. We took the girls over for her dad, nanny, and brother Josh to watch. Her mom went with us.

Because she was sick, the Specials Procedure Department had cancelled the procedure before I could get the vehicle parked and inside to meet them. They did, however, suggest that she go to the ER to make sure she did not have an infection. We went to the ER and they did a CT scan and some blood work. All the while April was in pain. They gave her some medication for the vomiting and it did subside which was nice for her.

I went to the cafeteria to get her mom and I something to eat and when I got back she said that she had an appendicitis and that they were going to do emergency surgery within the hour. WOW! Who knew?

Within two hours she was in the OR and they called to say that she was doing really well. She stayed in recovery for about an hour and was then taken up to a private room. She didn't get sick once. I couldn't believe it. She did great.

I brought Pam home and sent some things over to for the girls. I grabbed a few things for April and I and headed back to the hospital for the night. Sara stayed the night also. Mom, dad, and Matthew stayed while I was gone.

Thanks to everyone that called, visited, and helped out with the girls. I am a little tired and my eyes are getting hard to keep open. April is doing well. Just a little tired. We are home. Ayden is going to stay with mom and dad tonight and Kylee is going to stay with Will and Pam one more night. I am afraid that April will get sick and need me and I won't be able to get to Kylee. That's just me and thinking ahead. Like I said before, Life is good, and I'm just along for the ride.

1 comment:

  1. So glad things are going better! Next time you want a romantic getaway - go to the beach and watch the sunset!!:)
    Will be keeping you all in our prayers!
